Lacy's Stiff Stuff Premium Beading Foundation


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Helpful hints, tips and tricks from our resident "Bungee Beader"! 

Ancient secrets to shoring up cabochons--use your scraps!

There are so many ways to use your LACY'S scraps! They can add texture, lift features up above the rest of your beading, hold and stabilize those Big Beautiful Sparklies or the occasional odd-shaped elements... well, ok, in the case of the Bungee Beader, they can be very odd, but they stay in their places with underpinnings of LACY'S!  (Ancient Bungee adage: why resort to hydraulics when LACY'S is lighter?)

Working on bling? Don't waste your beads as fill-in under that tiny bottom point! You can use even your teeny-weeny scraps to support that cab and work smoothly as you stitch around. Don't bury those pretty beads!

Lacy's STIFF STUFF is too good to waste any scraps! So here are a few pictures of what you can with your scraps:

Assorted tiny scraps - don't throw them away!
Use them to build a base for your odd-shaped cabs

Teensie-weensie bits can be used to stuff under edges of rounded cabs, to increase stability of the cab while beading around it; can be glued down to create a "bump" to bead over, creating texture or depth; really small snippets can actually be rolled together to even out areas...

Scraps pieced together and stapled or glued

Cavern (almost finished)

first stage of scraps glued and stapled in place
No finished picture--last seen looking for lapels 2005

Small pieces left over from cutting out shapes can be glued together edge-to-edge (on a non-stick surface in case glue is squished out by accident - here speaks the voice of experience) or stapled to make a one-of-a-kind shape--or to make a big piece out of little pieces! (Just remember to coat the staples with clear, or color coordinated, nail polish to avoid corrosion)  


Sometimes it's fun to collect your odd bits of left-over Lacy's Stiff Stuff, and see what you can make -  LACY'S Stiff Stuff can be glued, stapled, sewn, etc...

Scrap challenge--the Frankenecklace
Got good-sized scraps? See what you can do...

Frankenecklace done
Sept 04

Click the link below for even more tips, including dying your Lacy's as well as making larger pieces.

More tips and tricks, click HERE.

Hint:  Even if you don't feel compelled to conserve scraps, you can sometimes find inspiration in odd-shaped leftovers...

a tiny little reef pin
made from a tiny little scrap :)

Scrap Challenge:  Share your ideas...Send us pictures of what you do with your scraps!

LACY'S Stiff Stuff -- the best STUFF to bead on!